anonymous submissions
If You See Something.
Say Something.
With our completely anonymous reporting process, our goal is to make it simple, quick and absolutely confidential to report concerns regarding instances of unsafe driving, illegal activities, bullying, and more. We hope to give power to students, community members and individuals who wish to act without fear of repercussion or judgement.
What Drives Us
Our Mission
We wish to honor the life of Joseph Conner Williams Guido, aka “Gweedo” to all of his friends. Conner passed away tragically at the young age of 16 in an automobile crash on October 26, 2019. This site was established to give people the ability to submit an anonymous tip when they see or hear something troubling. We hope that by giving people an anonymous forum, it will give them the ability to speak up and stop a tragedy, or prevent a crime before it takes place.
Your submission could save a life…it would have saved his.
the process
How It Works
submit tip
follow instructions on the form provided to submit your anonymous tip. Attach a photo (optional) Describe your concern giving as much detail as you feel comfortable providing

you may be contacted anonymously, if necessary. You can also follow up by sending a request for an update on your submission.

submissions are reviewed immediately and a case number is assigned. the tip is assessed and a course of action is determined

a plan of action will be determined. Law enforcement may be contacted or it may be necessary to contact school administration.
Upcoming Events
Gweedo Memorial Foundation
An annual Gweedo Scholarship will be given out to a graduating Senior each year honoring Conner.
Funds will also be used to educate upcoming teenage drivers and their parents.
To contact the foundation directly send an email to: